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connecting circuit中文是什么意思

用"connecting circuit"造句"connecting circuit"怎么读"connecting circuit" in a sentence


  • 连接电路
  • 中继电路


  • At the beginning , the impedance match of the connected circuit is introduced , then discuss about how to obtain the response of the " kick - out " impulse and the methods of simulation realization
    该部分从对接电路的阻抗匹配讲起,叙述了获取“ kick - out ”脉冲的响应波形的原理及仿真实现方法。
  • After the researching of scxi bus and the manufacturing of connecting circuits , the project was realized . the paper researched and realized the synchronization among channels and the model calibration of virtue instrument , too
用"connecting circuit"造句  
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